Ontario’s online cannabis store signs supply agreements with 26 suppliers

The Ontario Cannabis Store announced this week it has signed agreements with 26 licensed cannabis suppliers to “ensure readiness for legalization.” OCS, the province’s sole...

CANNABIS UPDATE PODCAST: An interview with cannabis legend Hilary Black of Canopy Growth

In this latest Cannabis Update Podcast, host Michael Pedersen speaks with cannabis advocate, legend and now Canopy's Chief Advocacy Officer Hilary Black.

How the Task Force Report is informing legalization and regulation

The federal government's Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation report released last December includes a comprehensive review of the research and recommendations of...

Cannabis employment: A budding industry in Canada

Today Canada celebrates the one year anniversary of recreational cannabis becoming legal in the country. It also marks the second wave of...

Q&A with Rosy Mondin

The executive director of the Cannabis Trade Alliance of Canada speaks with BotaniQ on the future of legalization. With over 16 years of experience in...

Cannabis advocate urges government to ‘get their own house in order’ after Vancouver shop...

Longtime and outspoken cannabis advocate Dana Larsen said a raid on his Vancouver dispensary this week isn’t going to deter his motivation...

Scaling Up

As the cannabis industry grows, production technology is growing with it—and Radient Technology is at the forefront. Though there are still months before Canada’s upcoming legalization...

The boomer boom

As the baby boomer population ages, its members are turning to cannabis in record numbers—and changing the expectations of the industry. Walter Sorto wasn’t sure...

Cannabis Conversation event planned for political candidates in Vancouver

Civic political hopefuls in the Lower Mainland are being provided an opportunity to "meet the cannabis community" during an Aug. 17 event. The "open invitation"...

Cannabis centre and museum envisioned in Quebec

With cannabis legalization weeks away in Canada, we are surely going to see a lot of new projects, products, and even facilities that cater...